The 7 Best Beaches for Surfing in Portugal

Portugal is located at the westernmost tip of Europe, and its geographical location makes it ideal for all types of water sports. The coast, bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, is characterized by wide and extensive sandy beaches, but this is not the only attraction for surfing in Portugal.

Tourists and locals who enjoy practicing this sport will find all the conditions for a perfect competition. Portugal has several surf beaches known for their excellent conditions.

Why is Portugal one of the best places in the world for surfing?

Portugal is known for having the most picturesque coastline in Europe, and the Portuguese are known for being great beach lovers. Before Europeans discovered surfing, it was practiced by people living near the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The Portuguese were the ones who introduced this sport to Europeans. The best time to surf in Portugal is during the months of May, June, and September.

The surfing trend started to appear in the late 1990s. Surfing was initially known as a sport for the wealthy; however, this sport has become more accessible in recent years. Surfboard manufacturers and shapers have come together to make boards more affordable for anyone who wants to practice this amazing sport.

What is the best beach for surfing in Portugal?

With about 2,000 kilometers of coastline, Portugal is a great destination for surfing. What sets this destination apart are its spectacular beaches. With dunes, picturesque fishing villages, and incredible views, Portugal is one of the top surfing destinations.

To answer the question of which is the best surf beach in Portugal will depend on each person’s objectives and level. Next, we will show a list of the best seven beaches for surfing in Portugal to help with your decision.

Top 7 Best Beaches for Surfing in Portugal

Arrifana Beach, Costa Vicentina

Arrifana Beach is part of the coastal strip of the Algarve region of Portugal and is one of the main attractions of the Costa Vicentina.

The Algarve is the southernmost region of Portugal, famous for its spectacular cliffs, extensive beaches, and turquoise-blue waters. But besides relaxing and going on excursions in the Algarve, you can’t miss the opportunity to surf at one of the best surf beaches in the Algarve, such as Arrifana Beach, characterized by the rocky pinnacle of Pedra da Agulha.

Amado Beach, Aljezur

To the south, the sun is guaranteed, and so are the waves. Between Odeceixe to the north and Sagres Point to the south, there are over thirty beaches with good surfing conditions, amidst endless sandbanks, cliffs, and small coves. Odeceixe Beach often tops the lists of the most beautiful beaches in Portugal: it is surrounded by cliffs and is a charming and solitary place, although it is becoming increasingly popular. An inevitable stop for surfers is undoubtedly Amado Beach, with its beach bars, surf schools, and an atmosphere that makes us feel like we’re in California.

To the north are the beaches of Amoreira and Monte Clérigo, two perfect, unexplored beaches with good waves, pleasant villages, and extensive sands sheltered by cliffs, and to the south are Beliche and Tonel, near Sagres, a mythical cape linked to the great Portuguese explorations of the 15th century, where the coastline turns towards the east. The lighthouse is surrounded by a magnificent setting worthy of one (or several) photographs.

Galé Beach, Albufeira

Galé Beach presents us with a wide sandy bay. In this beach, the characteristic rock formations of the Algarve’s Windward region emerge again from the sand, providing small coves, corners that serve as shelter for bathers, especially in the eastern part, being the most exposed area to the west.

This beach, located in Galé, Albufeira, is undoubtedly one of the best beaches for surfing, as it has perfect conditions for those who want to learn to surf or improve their techniques due to the wind conditions that provide not very big waves. It is a beach that presents conditions for surfing at all stages of the tide.

Guincho Beach, Lisbon

Lisbon has numerous beaches nearby – some less than half an hour away – but for surfers, there is a very special one, Guincho, an extensive sandy beach beaten by the waves and with a view of green hills, cliffs, forests, and dunes. It almost seems unbelievable that the Portuguese capital is so close.

Ribeira d’Ilhas, Ericeira

North of Guincho is Ericeira, a sunny and picturesque village whitewashed and perched on sandstone cliffs, offering breathtaking views of the Atlantic and a series of golden beaches that are a powerful magnet for surfers. Ericeira is one of the four world surfing reserves, along with Malibu and Santa Cruz in California and Manly Beach in Australia. It has constant swell, with the strongest waves at Ribeira d’Ilhas Beach, flanked by cliffs.

This beach hosts a stage of the WSL circuit for professional surfers and frequently hosts Portuguese national surf championships. The other bomb is Coxos Beach, whose right break forms incredible barrels. But most fans will find the waves at nearby São Sebastião Beach quite challenging.

North Beach, Nazaré

In recent years, Nazaré has been in the news for the huge waves that break north of the city at North Beach and for the daring surfers who rode them and set records. They are gigantic waves, with steep peaks and strong currents, which can exceed 30 meters in height, equivalent to an eight-story building.

Atlantic storms and winds can generate big waves, but the Nazaré coast has a peculiarity that multiplies this potential: a 5 km deep underwater canyon that points directly at North Beach. Smaller and less intimidating are the waves on the city’s main beach, which is more sheltered.

A totally different view of Nazaré is offered by the Sítio Promontory, with fabulous views at 110 meters high, the city on one side, and the fury of the waves on the other.

Medão/Supertubos Beach, Peniche

If we ask a Portuguese person to quickly list the best surf spots in Portugal, they will undoubtedly mention Peniche. This village, which occupies a small peninsula surrounded by sea on almost all sides, is much visited for its extensive and fabulous urban beach and its nearby surf peaks, to which must be added the charm of a beautiful historic center.

Despite already being very popular, Peniche gained fame when its Supertubos beach was chosen as a stop for the WSL World Championship. Conditions are great year-round, and kitesurfing is also possible.

There are more challenging disciplines! Don’t miss out on these 5 water sports to practice in Portugal

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